Mid Afternoon on the second of December, protestors visited the homes of Jan Burris(227 N Royal St) from Glaxo SmithKline and Margorie Finkelburg (108 N West St)from Pfizer, both notorious customers of Huntingdon "Life" Sciences(HLS).
GLaxo-SmithKline and Pfizer are brand-name pharmaceutical corporations that are contracting out animal tests to HLS. They are also the same companies trying to ban generic drugs abroad and gleefully charging senior citizens and others outrageous prives for drugs that cost pennies per pill to produce. Glaxo, in particular, has killed thousands with its patents on AIDS drugs.
The Alexandria cops put responded to the home demos with what appeared to be a premeditated plan to harass and threaten protestors with arrest not only for picketing "in a residential area" but even for handing out FLIERS, warning "Don't solicit!"
Protestors were almost finished at Jan Burris' home when hordes of ALexandria cops showed up blustering threats of arrest. As the group retreated from N Royal st,cops leapfrogged their cars one after another to folow, and set an outer peremeter of cars and intersections for the contingency of blocking all escape routes. Some of those SUV's and cars had M-16 rifles inside!
During the walk to West St, the cops forcibly stopped the entire group and complained that people were going to West St, where the next HLS customer exec was located(Finkelburg at 108 W st).
Since nobody outside the group had been told where anyone was going next, this made it plain that the cops had met at least once with all HLS custopmer execs and planned to cover all of them if any one was protested.
Despite the threats and harassment, everyone made it to West St, where "commerical" sidewalk space in front of the flower shop abutting 108 West st made a nearly full strength protewt legal even under Alexandria's new pro-HLS laws.
Cops initially allowed this "picket" to proceed but then decided to dish out additional harassment, stopping just short of making any unlawful arrests that would have exposed them to court scrutiny.
This collusion between the Alexandria Police and HLS customer execs violates the First Amendment to the US Constitution and is sufficient evidence to declare that the ALEXANDRA POLICE DEPT IS A SERVICE PROVIDER TO HLS and is therefore equivalent to a brokerage firm handling HLS stock.
HLS kills 500 animals a day in horrific experiments often testing cosmetics and other such products. The testing they do for the Big Pharmas did not prevent Pfizer from having to withdraw an experimental cholesterol drug from human trials because it was found to be killing people!