Again, these crimes are about money and anyone else who will go along with it now.
The Destruction of minds for top organized crime
I have gone through, as well as thousands, millions of Jewish by now, 31 years of brain implant and torture for Bush and thugs, and the stealing of intellectual information while fabricating secret lies and severe torture. They then plotted by 1989, as I have thousands of links to Jewish deaths, and I hold Jewish beliefs, but the crimes are too numerous to go into (refer to CIA subliminal programming in all instances). While half the world is used in crime, at any time, the other half is then terrorized and slandered.
One of the things that many in secret societies and cults (who are only cyborgs-refer to CIA programming) meaning those who actually get those higher things and turn it into something else, something they can manipulate and control, something of a simple minded idea, changing it into something more material to self centered ideas, becoming a cult, is using Israel and its people, taking knowledge and destroying it. The whole idea of having the higher knowledge becomes useless afterwards. They did this by the very studies in Russia even further with such weapons being able to take those things from the minds of those who own higher thought. This is why they kept killing intellectuals, including Rabbis.
The Studies which would control the brain, take their ideas, which became dominated by a very few with such heretical, ludicrous ideas, that is the cult minded, of world power in a lower sense as we see today, came about by the very studies and through the years of mobs being used in crime. The holocaust, which has continued to today, against Jews which they deny, and which leads to only more heresy and cults, and which is mainly made up of mindless, organized criminals is exactly that. Where those with higher thought in the Rabbinate years ago should be dominant today, it isn’t. And those in this world power, also have power over Israel, the few believing they inherit something over anyone else obviously never got anything of a higher sense, with the rest running around at their beckoning call in silly operations forever. What is taking place is not democracy or ay of the other ideas thrown out to the people, or for Israel, or anything right, but continued wars. What we have seen over the last 80 years has been set up to be programmed and repeated over and over. Even the killings of Jewish people within the last 50 years because they had the understanding of real higher thought and would not conform to such ridiculous cults or the stealing of their knowledge and then leaving them with a very short life can be seen. What would we expect with such set up operations of the majority in these secret operations, those being in them hired for such simple ideas? While the cults, sects, and small mindedness of the mobs grew, the loss of those with a real higher understanding became larger and larger, as they die and more control by the mobs, brainwashing in heretical ideas takes hold. Rome’s “Secret Societies” and those that grew out of them for the operations all through the last century, the simple minded understand as something superb, not seeing the destruction of real knowledge. Out of these operations, also helped only shallow thought, non-thinking majority we see today. The cults aren’t something packaged, as some see it, but something that grows and changes. Even in ancient days, if there were such a thing as a cult, and not that they were just doing what they thought of at the time, but they had minds at least to think rather than everyone simply being an operative in continuous games. Many could not even see, as they think the past is ‘the same today,’ the losses in real knowledge and human areas, that actually, over time become more delinquent while the supposed technology for aggression and self-serving ideas becomes greater. These ‘secret societies’ which people seem to think are so great, they need such protection for their crimes, actually did not exist but evolved in the minds. What also has evolved is the control of a few by changing the continued heresy and cults, through mind controls, into the past, having people believe that they were such in the past. In any case, everyone else must be subject to such lunatic cults behind closed doors that serve no real purpose. The lower minds that destroy the very essence of real knowledge just because they ‘joined’ and read something, accumulate and make up a majority anyway. By the millions of deaths they have already accomplished among Jewish thinkers, they have only furthered such little minds. This would only be a purposeful idea of Rome and the few that monopolize by such things.
Since the majority take very complicated things and turn them into a one sentence lingo for sale, this happened during such long operations. Through the Russian studies and weapons studies, what came about as an idea, eventually, over the weeks, years, and deaths, much real knowledge becomes diffused with the activity itself. The mob minded and thoughtless becoming more so.
Each mind throughout history has its perception of its self past, and the whole past, and its present, combining them to be the future, and this is done also with groups. When those things in the past are perceived wrong, a political event perceived as a knowledge area rather than for what it is, and added to for usage in the future we would say it is for destructive knowledge. In a constructive usage of knowledge and history, for future events, the highest thought would be worked upon in a constructive manner to its fullest, held in safe keeping, and those things which are destructive reserved for necessity, bringing about the most gain for human understanding and the ecosystem and other areas of movement toward a future of real civilization. But with the lower minded, when they get hold of those things that are higher understanding, they destruct first, degrade thought, and only think of fixes later. What can be seen for many years is more and more destructive thought, and overlapping on many others by s change in communications and by a lack of real communication in the past, no one really having access to much information and a real idea of history as today we can see much more on the internet in documents of a historical past and their intended nature. But after the taking of the real Rabbinates minds by force, those of lower minds would use such knowledge, now for centuries, only in a destructive manner to cause this overlapping of destructive methods and ideas. In addition to this general non-understanding of human self activity and overlapping of actions in a destructive way, there came about these weapons controls. And when the world is based on destructive thought, then stealing and destroying higher understanding on top of it with self-serving interests, it makes for a very large loss over time as we are seeing. Again, the simple-minded cannot see the loss. And today, after turning everyone into cults, apathetic to any higher knowledge by such activity it only increases those things. We can also observe today that one group thinks as the others as cults but not themselves in the whole realm of things. This is also why the holocaust, including the more recent one on Jewish people are denied.
In the destructive mode of knowledge, the mob mentality used for such activity in testing took hold overlapping on society, and for the usage of such mobs in crime, it evolved into dominant thought. While this was occurring, there were studies, as Anisomov has written regarding using mind control and brainwashing to make persons happy in occult thinking which evolved into more heresy in ritual and other ideas, basically after years of these studies, having the effect of turning everyone into the mindless, the sexual slaves and Abu Gharib criminals who enjoy sexual crimes, mass murder, and even many like Jeffrey Dahmer, cannibalistic. Rome’s version of controls over religions can be seen as integrating them into a ‘harmony’ of a million kinds of ‘questionable’ ideas and arguments that you see today, with no truth whatsoever, everything being relative and small minded, petty ideas and arguments. This leads to even less human understanding as no one seems to be able to make any real sense out of society except, again with small minded ideas that are self serving to something.
The cult ideas of ritual killing and other things we see today was actually brainwashing by these weapons and embedding these ideas into history as if they really existed for someone to control Israel rather than the true Israel that would be first. Israel had already been in real world power, but Rome had to take first seat. When Anisimov speaks of these mind controls in his writing, he is speaking of the whole study which those in Rome have done to keep control of Jewish “sects” that we see today, and incorporating heresy for that control, even having people believe it is real history. For, the lower cult mentalities, these kinds of things are just ‘superb.’ Edgewood Arsenal and other military bases, Area 51, linked to Rome, were also behind brainwashing and implants of Jewish men.
We can see the neglect of real study, those with the intent of real understanding drowned in the rest of society’s influences in the aforementioned areas, and many becoming a victim, again, of the mobs or some uprisings or something else of a continuous nature of short-sighted goals. Thousands of Jewish men and women in the last eighty years were these victims, and millions of Jewish children and others who would be those who would help with such understanding, Rome turning everyone into an arrested manipulative and sexual slave, taking back hold of real Judaic studies by this activity and making everyone come back to them in “oneness” after creating such confusion.
What Rome did by programming “Christian” leaders gradually into this Moloch worshipping cult that has nothing to do with anything today but nonsense, they also did with Judaism. Today, the churches which never really did exist for anything but political controls show such nonsensical leaders, many of whom are arrested. But, Rome also took control of Judaism by this same method; destroying history, stealing real knowledge for lower cult ideas and money, creating all kinds of sects and separatists and then being the one to ‘save’ them in the end by bringing such confused souls back to the “mother church” in harmony, by creating world wars and plagues with such fake ‘security’ so they will run back into those heresies.
I have endured 31 years of torture by the stealing of intellect, and the millions of Jewish, including those recently killed, were killed in the same way.
Targeting: Long range
Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction
Frequency range: HF - ELF transceiver implants
Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations
Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.
Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.
The ‘cyborg’ studies were used for nazi (those who go along with crime) doctors, and in scientology or other areas where crimes need to be committed without feeling or care. This is part of the torture they are using on me right now with spouse. He’s basically a cyborg. All while terrorizing me, he finally went to see someone, his doctor claiming it was a chemical imbalance (of which weapons chemical changes in the body are) and he went to see someone else whome he stated declared, “you’d make a good spy” and only one time. But he still goes in circles, and NSA still tortures me to try and fabricate lies for covering up their crimes and destruction. Note how the electroshock is transmitted, as we have experienced. And of course, my spouse’s electronic dissolution of memory, E.D.O.M. They were used in Vietnam and on intel operatives, including many other changes and programming in behavior for killing and crime without thinking. Being a different personality, at just the right time, being totally unemotional and dissaciative on family and at just the right times, causing torture and helping the aggressor by these split personalities where the memory is selectively ‘remembered’ when it is too late, consistently, to cause severe anger on the victims, i.e. while NSA agents, directed by the KGB, is using harassment around paperwork or in financial areas. Making plans, but by real-time, split personality, does not know what those plans are until two weeks later, have already made other plans because the others were destroyed, and consistent enough to cause severe problems, along with the other symptoms which are covered up by doctors. Having the same discussion week after week, as if the person just arrived here, just heard it or spoke of it, for over 13 years. Now,the KGB, is behind this and we have had many discussions, including his calling someone from “NSA” who told him there was no spying in the country, etc.