Around 200 people gathered at a rally in Brisbane to protest against the proposed scrapping of the peak indigenous body, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision (ATSIC). 4ZzZfm's Radical Radio Collective were there to record this event.
Around 200 people gathered at the rally to protest against the proposed scrapping of the peak indigenous body, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision (ATSIC).
Democrats leader Andrew Bartlett has called on Labor to use its power in the senate to block Federal Government plans to scrap indigenous group ATSIC. "The Democrats will not be part of John Howard's plan to demolish national elected indigenous representation," he said.
Indigenous leaders, activists and members of the public gathered at the Roma Street Parklands to listen to speeches and sign petitions.
Senator Bartlett said Mr Howard's approach to indigenous affairs was worrying.
"When John Howard came to power one of his first acts was to slash the ATSIC budget," he said.
"The three ministers who have had the portfolio under his leadership have done little but focus on destabilising ATSIC and its leaders."
He also dismissed the view that ATSIC was a spent bureaucratic force well removed from the daily lives of indigenous Australians.
"Nothing could be further from the truth," he said.
"ATSIC's real strength is in its network of regional councils and the over 900 community organisations they fund."
About 250 mainly Aboriginal people also marched peacefully in central Cairns yesterday to protest against the abolishment of ATSIC.
(source of text: SMH)
1. Bonnie Robertson 13:57
2. Terry Steadman 1:32
3. Uncle Ces Fisher and Uncle Steve Mann 10:22
4. Song about Democracy: Troy and Trev 3:10