Dominion Power is proposing a new 500KV power line to connect "growth centers" in Northern Virginia to cheap coal power plants in Appalacia buringin mountaintop-removal coal. The line would destroy a lot of $1M properties, exposing them to damage from "Bolt Weevils."
Years ago, there was another "trespass power line" project in the Midwest, where eminent domain was used as Dominion Power proposes to do.
The lines crossed working family farms, and herbicide spraying poisoned the land beneath. Soon, however, a great windstorm blew, and all those power towers fell down!
Investigation revealed that attaching bolts at the bases of the towers were missing and the cops started grilling local farmers.
The only thing the cops ever got from the farmers was "Hmmph!-must be "Bolt Weevils!" The Bolt Weevils were never caught.
Meanwhile, as the Democrats take over Congress, lobbyists are advising corporations making anything that contributes to global warming(including whatever you are hearing this on!)to hire consultants to deflect Congressional investigations.
Instead of advising them to cut energy use, they are advising greenwash. As lobbyists themselves, they are advising coal, electrical, car, electric/electronic, and other such firms to hire lobbyists to deflect attention instead of engineers to help clean up the mess.
This is in the face of new scientific evidence that climate changes in the past have been very sudden, sometimes less than ten years from the bottom of an ice age to halfway to the current climate! Projecting forward, if such a "snapover" were to start now, by 2016 cities from the US East Coast to Bangladesh would look like New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward after Katrina.
On top of that, other climate scientists are claiming we are only ten years from the start of totally irreversable climate change, wehre it begins to feed on itself independant of any further human input.
The corporations are busy cranking out more new deck chairs while the Titanic sinks beneath us all, and their consultants will try to dissuade passengers from thinking we are sinking at all.