Mindwalk 56: Zombie Nation

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 December, 2006
Upstart Radio America

Just in time for Christmas... ZOMBIES! Ash of Evil Dead meets Shaun of the Dead. Norton Scooter of Homeland Security Al-Quida Zombie Apocalypse Terror Threat Alert. The Zombeatles, Zombies in a Telephone Booth & Zombie Queen Michelle Malkin! Technically, Malkin a brian eater, along with most yahoo pundits like Coulter, O'Riley etc.

Mindwalk 56: Zombie Nation

Mindwalk may or may-not contain ZOMBIE EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Licensed broadcasters should air during ZOMBIE SAFE HARBOR.

Just in time for Christmas... ZOMBIES! Ash of Evil Dead meets Shaun of the Dead. Norton Scooter of Homeland Security Al-Quida Zombie Apocalypse Terror Threat Alert. The Zombeatles, Zombies in a Telephone Booth & Zombie Queen Michelle Malkin! Technically, Malkin would be considered a brian eater, along with most yahoo pundits like Coulter, O'Riley etc. The proof lies in Chad Conrad Costinaga, the Zombie minion of Zombie pundit Michelle Malkin who sent white powder to Olbermann, Letterman, John Stewart and members of Gov. These brain eating cheerleaders are creating terrorism here at home with their rhetoric.

Ironic... isn't it?

TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3

Credits: Zombie Nation, Evil Dead, Bruce Campbell, Shaun of the Dead, Simon Pegg, Norton Scooter, The Beatles, The Zombeatles, Misplaced Planet, Kernkraft 400, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reiley, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC

Zombeatles: http://www.beeftone.com/zombeatles.html
Phonebooth Zombies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wYkWuv-4Lg
Misplaced Planet: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=MisplacedPlanet