Lennon's sprit visits Victoria BC canada

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 May, 2004
ted... (he comes here every year)

Lennon did not die... he visits Victoria every year.
(to help kick-off the protest season) ie: rally the troops...!

Perhaps the body of Lennon died many years ago,

but did his spirit die with him...?

We say no.... because

Lennon lives....

and he visits victoria several times a year.

-------- The whole story --------------

It started more than 6--years ago.

The people of Victoria were un-happy.

You see,
the rich were getting richer,
and their only reward was the MONEY...!

We felt this was un-fair.... so we deided to do something about it.

----------------- So.. --------------------

The "Golden-Piggies-Awards" were born.

Each year,
we gather at the Roxy Theatre to celibrate Corpit Greed....!

--------- And as usual Lennon gets us all started --------

(if you haven't figured it out yet)

We have fun while educating the public about the evil corupt capitalistic vertues.

ted... (victoria BC canada)