HIV headline

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 February, 2001

my HIV headline, i'd like someone to edit it if you do can you add a commnet so other's know it's being edited. thanks

The priliminary results of an ongoing survey presented at the 8th annual retrovirus conference this week suggests a resurgence of HIV among young gay and bisexual men, especially among african americans.

23-29 year old men were surveyed, and tested for HIV, in 6 major US cities. The overall results show 12.3% tested positive of whom only 29% knew they were infected before the survey. Of the African-Americans 30% were HIV positive in contrast to 15% among Hispanics, only 7% among whites and 3% among Asians.

The researchers concluded that "These findings underscore the need to develop, evaluate, and intensify prevention efforts for young men who have sex with men, particularly African Americans."

my source was:…