US wants 20,000 more troops in Afghanistan

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 October, 2008
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM


The position of the US in Afghanistan is starting to resemble that of the US in Iraq circa 2004. This being so, US generals are begging for 20,000 more soldiers, in a move evocative of Gen Westmoreland's demads for more troops for Vietnam in 1967.

AP wire story:

US will LOSE this war:

Transcript of WSQT audio:

AFGHANISTAN-the US war is going poorly, and now US generals want 20,000 more troops.

According to the Washington Post, One additional brigade is already scheduled to deploy to the morass in Afghanistan, with three more requested by commanders in the field. This reminds me of Gen Westmoreland's 1967 request for 200,000 more troops for Vietnam!

US deaths in Afghanistan numbered 150 as of October 28 this year, as opposewd to 117 in all of last year. US forces there can't even get enoguh helicopers and often find themselves restricted to urban areas and large bases, like in the early years of the Iraq war.

This is while the Taliban tightens the noose around Kabul ond other cites, and US helicopters are shot down and insiurgents are "pouring across the border from Pakistan."

On top of this, cross-border US airstrikes into Pakistan, in which women and children have been slaughtered have so angered the pakistani government as to force them to fire on US forces to drive them back across the Afghan border.

The curerent intensification in Afghanistan and Pakistan can only call to mind Spring 2004 in Fallujah, just before those Blackwater mercenaries were strung from the bridge and the Abu Graib torture scandal broke into the open.

What is going to happen if the US and the Taliban keep pouring forces into this conflict. Are US forces like honey attracting Taliban hornets into the fray? It seems to me that the US has had their chance in Afghanistan, where the Taliban was extremely unpopuluar while in power. Now Taliban fighters seem to be able point to Iraq and Guantanimo Bay and ask people to chose between themeslves and the now still-less popular United States.