The FBI's Green Scare is continuing-even in nations outside the borders of the US!
In response to the F.B.I.’s announcement of an all-out hunt for fugitive environmental activsts in Canada, the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office called the hunt “inexcusable and out of touch with reality.”
“ The U.S. government is out of step with the world leaders of today in failing to recognize and identify the real eco-terrorists,” stated Press Office spokeswoman Lisa Nesbitt. “The real criminals are corporate polluters and the governments that enable them, not environmental defenders who take action to stop them.”
Nesbitt points to the recent statements of both the U.N. Secretary–General Ban Ki-Moon and U.S. President Barack Obama pertaining to the urgency of the environmental crisis.
“Climate change is the defining issue of our era,” stated Mr. Ban in a recent Time magazine interview.
President Obama twice discussed the environment in his January 20 inaugural address: “Each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet… Nor can we consume the world’s resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed and we must change with it.”
The Earth Liberation Front, or ELF, is an international, underground movement consisting of
autonomous groups of people who engage in direct actions to protect the planet.The ELF has been active in the United States since 1996. Since that time the group has conducted dozens of actions across the country and North America resulting in over $150 million in damages.
Since the year 2001, the ELF has been considered the top domestic terror threat by the F.B.I.
“Instead of penalizing those who are selflessly working to protect the planet,” Nesbitt continued, “why isn’t the F.B.I. and U.S. government prosecuting eco-terrorists such as General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner, Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant, or U.S. Steel CEO John Surma who are all major leaders in environmental pollution?”
Here in DC we have our own local Green Scare, targetting peaceful protests by animal rights activsts. An FBI Joint Terrorism, Task Force is suspected of orchestrating a brutal campaign of police repression against nonviolent protesters. In the last four rounds of nonviolent protest, three ended in massive policve ambushes, culminating in police behavior in Baltimore so brutal charges being considered against police for police brutality and even sexual assault.
The Joint Terrorism Task Force operation behind this appears to be commanded by a man named Vincent Antignano. 0ne of the TERRORISTS in the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
In the radio broadcast Vincent Antignano's home address (in VA) was read out on-air at this point. Publishing his address on Indymedia sites has a history of causing police/FBI harasment of those who provide server space, but WSQT retains this address on file. Will provide this information on request.