AIG Bonus Billions spark death threats, "could end badly"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 March, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


The Washington Post is reporting that AIG has had to hire extra guards for their headquarters in Connecticut. Popular outrage at the bonuses has led to a swarm of death threats-and an AIG exec says this "could end badly." Meanwhile the Post runs stories defending the bonuses...

(transcript of audio)

For years, insurance giant AIG got rich insuring predatory subprime mortgages on the backs of Mr. and Mrs. You and Me. When the Depression began last September, AIG was one of the big losers, facing utter ruin and bankruptcy. This was just like everyone those subprime mortgages left homeless-well not quite...

Now, one $3/4 TRILLION taxpayer banking bailout later, the government owns 80% of AIG's stock-yet AIG executives are paying out $165 million in BONUSES to hugely overpaid corporate fat cats. In other words, it's business as usual at AIG while taxes may skyrocket to pay for all these bailouts!

People are so pissed off at this scam that AIG's building in Suburban Connecticut had to hire extra security guards. This was to cope with sheer public fury and all the death threats pouring in. A senior manager of Financial Services, the branch that took down AIG was quoted about this in the Washington Post as saying "It's going to blow up" continuing "it's going to end badly." This from a company that has essentially suicide bombed the global economy!

Meanwhile the Washington Post is printing lame excuses about how the bonuses can't be stopped, while Obama shows so little leadership it takes Congress to propose taxing the bonuses. The mainstream media is now firing away even THAT is somehow a bad idea! They fiddle, we burn.

Six months ago protests were staged nationwide against that $3/4 trillion shakedown of the US Treasury by banking executives. Protesters said taxpayers should "foreclose" on reckless bankers who took suicidal risks with depositor's funds. .

(audio from Sep DC demo)

Another demand heard from DC to San Francisco to Chicago all the way to protests on Wall Street and Internet blogs was that executives not be allowed to use taxpayer money to line their own pockets.

(audio from Wall St demo)

Those protesters on Wall St were chanting "you broke it, you bought it"

Still, it seems to be business as usual at AIG-even on untold billions in taxpayer money. Even Congress's proposed 100% tax on these bonuses would still give these bastards a year's interest-freee loan. Try to get THAT from a credit card or a payday lender financed by these very same people!

The Obama administration says ANOTHER $30 BILLION will soon be needed JUST FOR AIG and more for the rest of the bailout, but surely we know better than that!

The only people we need to worry about bailing out are those who are losing their jobs because these bloodsucking parasites at firms like AIG and Lehman Bros have ruined the economy. If the banks are bankrupt, they should be nationalized-and those stockholders who profited from subprime misery should be left holding the bag. Only retirement accounts and student savings need a bailout on that-not all those predatory fat cats..