WSQT Broadcast for June 8-Shell and Shells in Iraq, Nigeria, Iraq and more

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2009
WSQT Direct Action radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is WSQT Direct Action Radio's broadcast for June 8, 2009. In three of our segments we focus on the death-dealing ways of Shell and other oil companies and their nasty little friends in power.

Contents of audio:

1: Pirate Radio song

2: Station ID

3: This Week in Palestine for June 1-5

4: 20 second song clip

5: Coverage of June 5 protest at Israeli Embassy in DC for Palestine

6: 20 second song clip

7: Iraq:Mortars in the Green Zone, Shell in Iraq

8: Station ID

9: BOYCOTT SHELL! With audio from "wiwa vs shell" Youtube video

10:Coverage of battle in Peru where 25 Indians and 9 cops died when police fired
on roadblock defending Indigenous land from oil, gas, and timber interests

11:Coverage of DC Critical Mass bike ride-we were rammed by an SUV!

12:Mumia speaks on GM Bankruptcy(repeat)

13:FEMA protest in DC by displaced New Orleans residents (repeat)

14:HLS demos in DC and Baltimore May 30 and 31 (repeat)

15:Dr Tiller: Doctors die while FBI chases "elves"(repeat)