The Gay marriage issue in DC has taken on importance beyond that of the segment of the gay community directly affected by it. Anti-Gay religious fundamentalists, riding a wave of hate, are trying to derail gay marriage in DC with a referendum.
Carpetbagging, right-wing minister Harry Jackson from MD introduced the referendum petition. If you see the petitions to put Gay people's rights on the ballot-DON'T SIGN IT if you care about DC home rule! Harry Jackson is owns two luxury homes in MD, yet lists his address as a one-room apartment at the Whitman condominium at 910 M St-shared with another man-for his DC voter registration.
Unless Harry Jackson is in the closet himself(and thus an utter hypocrite) it strikes me as damned odd that this antigay preacher would share a room with another man. This strikes a LOT of people as odd, and may lead to a challenge both to his voter registration-and to the referendum petitions as a result.
Harry Jackson also registered to vote just ONE MONTH before introducing these petitions in DC! For a right-wing MD minister to register a possibly fraudulent address to vote in DC, just so he can tell DC what to do on Gay marriage, just smacks of contempt to DC Home Rule and the right of DC residents to make their own decisions, without interference form those who own luxury homes in MD or VA.
In addition, a victory for Harry Jackson's referendum against Gay marriage would be a victory for right-wing homophobes and hatemongers everywhere, and in an atmosphere of killings and terrorism inspired by right-wing propaganda, that is a threat to all of us.
Say NO, don't sign those petitions, don't let a MD minister come carpetbagging in DC and steal our rights through the back door!