WSQT (DC) Radio broadcast for Fri, Junbe 26

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 June, 2009
WSQT Direct Action radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is our complete playlist from the June 26 broadcast. This was repeated twice in the two-hour broadcast.

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
This Week in Palestine for June 22-26
20 second song clip
Iraq Update for June 25
Desertion Song (1 1/2 min clip)
Station ID
Coverage of June 25 protest of continuing US torture
Bossnappings in France-clip from Between the Lines
Coverage of June 20 protest against DC Mayor Fenty's "Gang injunction" bill (R)
Coverage of June 23 National Alliance of HUD Tenant rally9r)
War of the Trees: Who shall have the courage to take direct action to save our planet(intro)?
Coverage of June 26 protest at EPA headquarters (DC) against mountaintop removal coal mining
Coverage of June 18 direct action at mountaintop removal coal mining site(R)
Coverage of June 26 "power shift" rally supporting climate change legislation
Between the Lines segment explaining eco-groups OPPOSITION to weak, watered-down climate bill