Here is WSQT's audio playlist from the June 30 Broadcast, featuring coverage of a sucessful insurgent strike in Nigeria against a Shell oil terminal and the so-called "pullout" of US troops from Iraqi cities.
Station ID
Palestine_Today for June 29
20 sec song clip
Iraq Update for June30: US troops "withdraw" from cities but war continues
Desertion Song-1.5 min clip
Nigeria Report: Resistance destroys Shell Oil terminal
Station ID
PROMO: Critical Mass July3
War of the Trees: Intro
Coverage of June 18 MTR coal mine direct action (R)
Coverage of June 26 MTR coal mining protest at EPA (R)
coverage of June 26 Power Shift rally at US Capitol(R)(For strengthening existing climate bill)(R)
Between the Lines segment Against weak climate bill-for starting fresh with a strong bill
Station ID
VoxUnion Interview: People for Jack Johnson-much history in this
Coverage of June 25 DC protest against torture(R)