Here is the 48 minute playlist from our August 7 broadcast. This was repeated 2 1/2 times in the 2 hour show.
Pirate radio song
station ID
Palestine today for August 5 (newest available at deadline)
20 second song clip
Iraq update for August 7
oil anthem 18 second clip
Hiroshima, remembrance, smallpox blankets, and depleted uranium
Between the Lines segment on the Honduran coup
Station ID
Promo for G20 protests Sep 24-25 in Pittsburgh
Coverage of August 5 protest at Marriott against DC mayor Fenty
War of the Trees intro
stirring promo-no to MTR coal mining
coverage of August 3 vigil in DC against moutaintop removal coal mining
Promo-Critical Mass TODAY in DC!
ALF burns Novartis CEO's hunting lodge, seizes his mother's ashes
Between the Lines:Single Payer or NOTHING!