Weekly half hour radio, by, for and about un-schoolers
rfs radio free school - Life Learning with Wendy Priesnitz (Part 1 of 2) wednesday, may 26, 2004. 12 noon,
93.3 fm
interview - Wendy Priesnitz http://www.lifemedia.ca/Wendy/ (interviewed by Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko)
music - Lie Lie Lie, Chumbawamba, WYSIWYG
grandpa in the cornpatch, Victoria Williams, Musings of a Creek dipper
editing - Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko production - Randy Kay
"Education ought to be viewed as a process of development and exploration, rather than as one of repressing a child’s instincts and inculcating obedience and discipline. Children learn best when they feel good about themselves, others, and the world. The best education, therefore, would orient the child to the world, facilitating the child’s learning from others and from his or her environment. Furthermore, it would engage children as fully as possible (taking advantage of all the senses), encouraging them to develop and value their own abilities as well as to cooperate with others. Education, that is, should be active, noncompetitive, and as nondirective as possible, relying heavily on children’s natural curiosity." Free Women of Spain, Martha A. Ackelsberg.
RADIO FREE SCHOOL an all volunteer show by, for and about Un-schoolers/Home Learners. Check out our web site at www.hwcn.org/~ap951/
Contact us at grassroots@hwcn.org or P.O. Box 19, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton ON, L8S 1C0.
Every Wednesday at 12 noon to 12:30 pm (EST) on CFMU 93.3 FM - Listen live on the web at http://cfmu.mcmaster.ca;
also on:
Free Radio Santa Cruz 96.3 FM , California http://www.freakradio.org/
KRBS-lp 107.1 FM in Oroville, California www.radiobirdstreet.org
Fredericton, New Brunswick on CHSR 97.9 FM http://www.unb.ca/chsr/home.html
CFUR FM 88.7 UNBC/CNC Campus/Community Radio http://ears.unbc.ca
Radio Lava Lamp from Osaka, Japan at http://www.rinku.zaq.ne.jp/bkaec205/
and searchable for download at http://www.radio4all.net