WSQT (DC pirate) Broadcast for Sep 14

By Anonymous (not verified), 14 September, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our September 14 broadcast

Pirate radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Sep 14 PLUS Friday Bi'len protest report
20 second song clip
Iraq Update for Sep 14-every day is Sep 11 for Iraqis!
Oil Anthem(iron Shiek) 18 second clip
Water shortages threaten Iraq-Short from Betwen the Lines
Health care mess and race-Short from Between The Lines
Protesters vs Teabagger hornet's nest at Walter Reed Sep 11 2009
Station ID
Promo:Protest the G20 Sep 24-25 ibn Pittsburgh
Avaaaz busts up Pitsburgh Mayor's pro-G20 presscon in DC (R from last week)
Mumia speaks on the G20(R)
Ben Carne speaks in DC on racism and Leonard Peltier's case
Immigrants protest 287G,face teabagger stragglers to do so
Station ID
Swine Flu came from factory pig farms(from Between the Lines)
Fast food chains firing immigrants for "no-match" letters(short from Between the Lines)