WSQT Broadcast for Oct 9:More antiwar coverage

By Anonymous (not verified), 9 October, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM ionn DC


Here is WSQT Radio's playlist from our Oct 9 show, focussing once again on opposition to the war

Pirate radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Oct 8
Iraq/Afghanistan update for Oct 8
Desertion song (clip)
Oil Anthem(Iron Shiek) 18 sec clip
Station ID
61 arrested at DC antiwar protest Oct 5 (R)
Desertion song (clip)
Waterboarding staged at Oct 5 DC antiwar protest(R)
Funk the War storms Blackwater's lobbyists after recruiter is paint bombed
Patriot Act to sunset? Between the Lines coverage
Immigrant activists threatened with prison for water distro(AZ)(Short from Between the Lines)