WSQT(DC Pirate) Broadcast for November 5

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 November, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is our playlist from the Oct 5 broadcast

Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Nov 4
Afghan Election Commission an expensive fraud(Short from Between the Lines)
War Update for Nov 5: Afghan cop shoots 5 British soldiers, much more
Desertion Song (Clip)
War in Afghanistan really Tajik-Pushton civil war, US cannot stabilize (Between the Lines)
Station ID
Coverage of DC Halloween HLS protests (R)
Civil Disobedience accelerates against MTR coal mining (Between the Lines)
Oct 19 staged fight between coal and wind at PEPCO(R)
Sea Shepherds to start whale defense campaign on Pearl Harbor Day(Dec 7)
ALF releases mink
Coverage of DC vigil for Leonard Peltier during Obama's meet with Native American leaders