(architecture and social struggle) Brian Anson talking about Belfasts Divis Flats + Bridgetown community in Britain

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 November, 2009
imc-ie dunk


Brian Anson is a remarkable man of 74 years from Liverpool who has battled all his life to assist communities to a fairer and more just existence, he was worked in areas of conflict as an architect and as a social activist. He formed the ARC (architectural revolutionary council) in 1980's in Britain and spent many years as an architectural proffessor pushing for students to take more control of their education and to use architecture for what it is for: the creation of healthy happy communities.

He was invited to EASA (euro architectural students assembly) 2008 in Ireland by architectural students to re-engage with the architectural youth and to add his views into the discussion about what was going on.

Here he speaks about his connections with Belfast and the Divis St flats and attempting to get them pulled down, as they were in horrific condition. They have been pulled down since, but one still stands as its upper level was used as army check point during the troubles.

He also talks about the struggle to help the community of the town of Bridgetown by the A3 road in Britain...

To see how the architectural youth of today think and feel see http://easa.antville.org/

file length; 40 mins
file type; MP3
file size; 38mb