WSQT(DC Pirate) Broadcast for Dec 3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 December, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our Dec 3 broadcast

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Dec 2
War update for Dec 3: US soldiers die while Obama's honeyed poison flows
Surge Protest at White House Dec 1 before Obama speaks
Surge Protest at West Point while Obama speaks
Anarchoice-War President
Afghanistan update from Between the Lines
Obama jobs summit draws protesters
Station ID
Protest at DC polling place for Honduran "Coup Election"
Climate activists dump melted glaciers at corporate targets on N30(Seattle) anniversary
Climate activists in Ashville, NC lock down to generator in transport to coal plant
MTR coal update from Between the Lines
"Christmas Greed" song set to Carol of the Bells
Fur Free Friday in DC
Sea Shepherd update and call for solidarity protest in DC Dec 7