Here is the playlist from our August 23 broadcast
Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for August 23
Mosque debate stirs up CONVERSION ad campaign on buses:Short from Between the Lines
US troops die in Afghanistan-and still dying in Iraq after "withdrawal"
Desertion Song (clip)
Afghanistan orders mercenaries OUT:Short from Between the Lines
Code Pink founder arrested at Blackwater founder Eric Prince's HOUSE
What if Army ads had health warnings?
Ann Wilcox speaks out against JROTC at DC Council/Mayoral candidates Forum
Station ID
PROMO: Protest the School of the Americas November at Ft Bennning, Ga
Arizona Diamondbacks draw SB1070 protest, game disrupted in DC-W/interview
GMO song (clip)
Between the Lines:BP, EPA concealing true damage to Gulf
BP anti-commercial
HLS/Goldman Sachs home demo in DC draws heavy police response