WSQT (DC Pirate) Broadcast for Sep 1

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2010
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our September 1 Broadcast:

Pirate radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Sep 1: 4 settlers killed, PA arrests 300 alleged Hamas members
War Update: Obama "Turns the page," US troops still in Iraq under fire
Desertion Song (clip)
Code Pink founder arrested at Blackwater founder Eric Prince's HOUSE
What if Army ads had health warnings?
Between the Lines:Code Pink on continuing troop/mercenary presence in Iraq
PROMO: Protest the School of the Americas November at Ft Bennning, Ga
Salisbury, MD GOP Field Office shot up
Station ID
Reclaim the Dream marches against Beck/Palin teabaggers
One DC abandons Tent City, homeless stay
GMO Song (clip)
BP anti-commercial
CCAN at PEPCO power reliability hearing
HLS protests at Goldman-Sachs,Nomura, three HLS customers in DC
Gulf seafood still contaminated: Short from Between the Lines