Katrina, Part II--The Michael Slate Show

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2010
Michael Slate

Director Leslie Carde, discusses her film "America Betrayed" and the
rampant corruption and profit-grabbing -- from the government, to
the Army Corps of Engineers, to corporations -- that led to the
devastation of New Orleans.

Davida Finger, Law Professor and co-author of the "Katrina Pain
Index," reveals the truth about the so-called recovery and
rebuilding of New Orleans from the perspective of the people who
live there.

Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party, talks of his experience in
New Orleans after Katrina, putting it all in the context of
capitalism and illustrating how socialist society would respond

All this plus a brief commentary on the 40th Anniversary of the
Chicano Moratorium.