The World We Live in & the World We Could Live In: The Real Impact of the Hyde Amendment on Women, the Stonewall Uprising and a Plan to Build Cities the Planet Can Live With

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 September, 2010
Michael Slate

While so many accept the Hyde Amendment as the "common ground"
compromise, Dr. Leroy Carhart, Director of the Abortion &
Contraception Clinic of Nebraska, reveals the devastating impact of this amendment on the lives of women - especially poor women of

David Heilbroner, co-director of the film, "Stonewall Uprising,"
discusses the historic significance of the Stonewall Uprising - the first "in the street" rebellion of gay people and its continuing
impact today.

Prof. Patrick Condon, author of 7 Rules for Sustainable Communities:
Design Strategies for a Post Carbon World, talks about the dangerous designs of the cities we live in, how they are helping to kill the planet, and his proposal for cities designed so both humans and the planet can thrive and flourish.