Here is the playlist from our November 12 broadcast plus our coverage of the mess in Iraq, where the secular Iraqya bloc has walked out of Parliment. The first audio is our complete broadcast playlist, which is short at 28 minutes and repeated four times. The second is the Iraq war coverage, focussing entirely on Iraq because of profound events there this week.
Pirate Radio song
Station ID
This Week in Palestine for Nov 8-12
War Update for Nov 12:Iraqya walks out or parlimnent
Desertion Song(clip)
What if Army ads had health warnings?
Between the Lines: IVAW chews out Jon Stewart et all for ignoring wars
Station ID
GMO song
American College of Toxicology gets protest at Baltimore Waterfront Marriott over HLS
PROMO: Protest the School of the Americas in November
EXTRA:Transcript of the Nov 12 WSQT War Update:
Baghdad, yesterday: The Secular "Iraqya" bloc walked out of the Iraqi parliment as other factions formed a nomial government and reappointed Prime Minister Maliki for another term. Many Sunni residents fear he is too close to Iran and thast they may have to take up arms again.
Baghdad, Wednesday: Eleven roadside bombs detonated within an hour of each other in three predominantly Christian areas of central Baghdad early Wednesday. Four of the blasts hit houses belonging to Christians, and two mortar rounds also struck Christian enclaves of the predominantly Sunni neighborhood of Dora in south Baghdad.
Baghdad, Wednesday: Eight people were wounded Wednesday in a rocket attack against the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad, according to a security source reporting to Aswat al-Iraq news agency. The rockets scored direct hits in the "residential" section of the occupied Green Zone.
Kirkuk, Thursday: Unknown resistance fighters attacked a US military airbase in northeastern Iraq, according to Iraqi security officials. The base, located near Kirkuk, was hit by mortar fire and two Katusha rockets early on Thursday, police chief Sarhad Ghader told Fars news agency.
Mr Barrack Obama, does this sound to you like the surge worked? Does this sound like a viable plan to copy in Afghanistan? Three more NATO soldiers dies there Wednesday and Thursday. Now's the time to get off this treadmill of death-bring all the troops home TODAY!