Here is the playlist from our February 24 broadcast:
Pirate radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for Feb 34
War update-More attacks, another US death in Iraq
desertion Song(clip)
What if Army ads had heath warnings?
Between the Lines:Protests spread throughout the Middle East
Station ID
Between the Lines:The protests in Wisconsin against GOP union-busting
Wisconsin solidarity protest in DC at Wisc governor Scott Walker's DC office
Between the Lines: GOP zeroes out Planned Parenthood funding
DC Residents protest HUD budget cuts that would evict 750,000 nationwide
GOP House speaker Boehner gets protest at his home by DC Vote
Keep DC Wal-Mart free anthem
ANC 6C-01 hearing on Wal-Mart in DC
Between the line short: BBC report on role of aid groups in bringing cholera to Haiti