WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC
Here is the playlist from our March 15 broadcast:
Pirate radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for March 14-Israelis plan more settlements to retailate for murder
GOP pushes bills against non-existant Sharia law in US-short from BTL w comments about "King hearings"
War update-Afghan Army recruiter suicide bombed
desertion Song(clip)
Protesters brutalized in Iraq-short from Between the Lines
What if Army ads had heath warnings?
Station ID
Between the Lines: Bradley Manning still being tortured in custody
Nuckear Mess in Japan: Made in USA just like in 1945
Keep DC Wal-Mart free anthem
Between the Lines: Activist gets felony conviction for blocking oil and gas leases
HLS appears in DC at Toxicology convention-gets 3 protests in 2 days