This version is BROADCASTABLE - Audio is loud and clear! This talk was much much enhanced (collated, compressed, companded, small-mp3) by hand by the team at Radio Chomsky.
Responsibility And Integrity, The Dilemmas We Face.
Held in the St. Gertrude of Nivelles Church "Geertekerk (13th to 14th century)" in Utrecht
This lecture is specifically intended for the first-year Research Master students of the Graduate School of Humanities as part of the Humanities Lectures. The lecture relates to the ‘Social Responsibility of the Artist’ series developed jointly by the Centre for the Humanities and the Treaty of Utrecht Foundation.
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Chomsky visited Utrecht on the invitation of the Graduate School of Humanities, the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, the Centre for the Humanities and the Treaty of Utrecht organisation. His lecture related to the 'Social Responsibility of the Artist' series developed jointly by the Centre for the Humanities and the Treaty of Utrecht Foundation.
DUTCH INTRO Lezing 15 Maart van Noam Chomsky in de Geertekerk in Utrecht
Op 15 maart gaf Noam Chomsky een lezing in Utrecht met de titel "Responsibility and integrity: the dilemmas we face". Hij sprak hier studenten van de Universiteit Utrecht toe over de rol die intellectuelen doorgaans spelen vis-à-vis de staat, en de verantwoordelijk die intelletuelen dragen
Q and A:
Q1. How can we be heard if we’re nobody yet, unknown, economically independent, and supposed to get somewhere? - 6:00.
Q2. 6:00 Is there an optimal solution of how to organize society?
Q3. How come we live in an open society with a lot of information and yet we know so little?
Q4. 2:50 What is your opinion on Wiki Leaks?
Q5. What is the role of intellectual critique in a society like Holland? Should intellectuals take on a more positive role instead of a critical approach?
Q6. 1:24 You said, “don’t speak truth to power, they know it already”, how do you explain that they don’t act on it?
Q7. Can there be a society without organized violence, for instance without war and dictatorship. What do you think an ideal world would look like?
Q8. 3.17 What would be the most efficient way to address an audience and be heard by them?
Q9. 5:41 Is it possible to be well intentioned while committing atrocities, and if so should it change our assessment of these atrocities?