We are still testing antenna locations, the transmitter itself is working well on 90.5 FM, outputting 60-70-W into a 4dB gain antennna.
Here is the composite playlist we played on June 15, consisting of a normal WSQT playlist, all of Between the Lines, then all of a Radio Ecoshock interview with Paul Watson.:
(WSQT Audio, published above)
Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for June 15
War Update:Two Americans killed in Iraq as combat rages
Iraqis arrested in the US for fighting in Iraq, helping fighters
Station ID
New Hope:Protest works, plans to close homeless shelters scrapped after homelesss swarm City Hall
Never Say Die: Interview with homeless activist Eric Sheptock on DC budget
(Additional programming)
Station ID
Between the Lines for week ending June 24:
Station ID
Ecoshock Radio interviews Paul Watson:
Part of http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/52261