WSQT (DC Pirate) Broadcast for July 27

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 July, 2011
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our July 27 broadcast:

Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for July 27
Freedom Flotilla II Reprotback at Busboys
War Update: Another majorr assassination in Afghanistan
Station ID
Between the Lines:Treesit shuts down Bee Tree MTR coal mine
WSQT Coverage: Same Treesit
More interviews from RAMPS treesit
Tim DeChristoper speaks out after sentencing
Between the Lines: GOP pushing voter registration laws to deter some voters
FLashmob invades Laurel Wal-Mart
Song: Keep DC Wal-Mart free
Montgomery County proposes curfew on under 18 (BOO!)