Here is the playlist from our August 24 broadcast, again focussing on the Alberta Tar Sands/Keystone XL pipeline protests at the White House. As of broadcast there have been about 275 arrests in front of the White House over 5 days of these protests. But first, our Palestine and war news...
Pirate Radio Song
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Palestine Today for August 24
War Update:Over 125 NATO oil tankers burned in Afghanistan/Pakistan
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Between the Lines: The tar sands protests
Tar Sands protests: Randy Thompson from Montana's statement and the Yellowstone River spill
Tar Sands protests:Missisippi resident shows off tar logs from BP oil spill that made him sick
Tar Sands protests: Why Cindy Parker,Lisa Swanson, and Peter Anderson are doing CD
Tar Sands protests:Tarmageddon-Anonymous provides "Air support"
Between the Lines:GOP anti-Earth budget riders in 2012 DOI appropriations bill
Song: Keep DC Wal-Mart free