Watsonville To Get All Hawaain LPFM Station?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 July, 2004
Vinny Lombardo

Bonus outtake from Wednesday's edition of Free Speech Radio News....

On Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee moved forward on SB 2505, aka the McCain/Leahy Act, which would restore the technical aspects of the origainal FCC plan to license Low Power FM radio. The bi-partisan bill is being introduced by Arizona Senator John McCain and currently has 3 co-sponsors in the Senate. In December 2000, Congress passed The Radio Broadcasting Preservation Act, which cut-out thousnads of potential LPFM applicants, by enforcining scrict channel seperation requirements. FSRN reporter Vinny Lombardo looks at how one California town is hoping SB 2505 will rectify a growing controversy over the LPFM station there.