cld dtr

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 March, 2001

cld dtr

As part of Children's

Lobbying Day, dozens of children from families victimized by the Rockefeller

Drug Laws visited Albany on Tuesday, March 20, to pressure lawmakers for

reform. They carried a banner

declaring "In Our Voices: Drop The Rock."

They spoke

in their own voices, reading poetry

they had written or pictures

they had drawn to explain the effect that harsh, mandatory sentencing has

on the families of the convicted. The event

was one in a series aimed at repealing the racist, expensive, and ineffective

1972 statute that requires lengthy minimum sentences for nonviolent drug

offenders. On Tuesday,

March 27th, people from around New York State will gather in Albany for


a day of education and action, to demand that lawmakers repeal the Rockefeller

Drug Laws.


on the March 27 protest in Albany.


on the Rockefeller Drug Laws.


to a recent forum on the need for drug law reform.