A lack of morality, legality and respectability isn't a stigma -- it's practically a prerequisite to power in this day and age. Take these guys ...
(Note: You can most of my commentaries at http://www.radio4all.net/index.php?op=result&action=series&series=What%…; )
Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID, with what they don't tell you.
Need a job but feel discouraged because you can't pass the "morality" section of the tests they give you at the personnel office? You know, the part where they ask how OK you are with stealing office supplies? Are you a criminal? Have a tawdry past? Don't worry about it! In today's new world order, you've got just what it takes to make the big time.
Are you a prostitute? Take your cue from Jeff Gannon and start applying for White House press passes. I'm sure you'll find that prostitution and American journalism have a lot in common.
Are you into child pornography? I hear Israel needs a new embassador. They sent Arie Scher, who was charged with running an illegal child pornography and prostitution business in Brazil, to head their embassy in Australia after the old guy had to quit or be threatened with deportation.
Are you a convicted felon? Maybe you, like John Poindexter, can head up a program like Total, excuse me, they changed that -- "Terrorism" Information Awareness, that gets the goods on all US citizens by data mining all their phone records, credit card purchases, library check-outs and anything else connected to your name or Social Security number. Heck, Eliot Abrams proves that a convicted felon can actually become deputy national security adviser.
Dealing with terrorists is actually a plus, as long as you do it on a high enough level. Just ask Michael Chertoff, Bush's nominee to head Homeland Security. He was lawyer to Magdy Elamir, a man suspected of financing the 911 attacks, who also has strong ties to the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. There is also convincing evidence that Chertoff as head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department shielded Elamir from prosecution in a terrorist case.
OK, so you got that? Morality and respectability mean you don't filch office pens and it's only for losers who work in the mail room. Actually caring about people, like defending the environment or protesting torture can land you in prison. Just ask Tre Arrow or any of the folks who trespassed on the School of the Americas.
If the Devil himself set up this hierarchy, I doubt it'd be much different. Do you ever get the feeling that, instead of dying and going to hell, we're actually in it right now and we've got to earn our way out of it?
I'm Jody Paulson, and I just thought you should know.