Free Radio Olympia is changing our frequency again. We are moving to 98.5 MHz on March 1, 2005. This is not the first time we have had to move, and it will probably not be the last.
02-17-05 22:38 PST
contact: Free Radio Olympia
(360) 705-9780
Free Radio Olympia Changes Frequency to 98.5 FM on March 1
by dj megawatti
Free Radio Olympia is changing our frequency again. We are moving to 98.5 MHz on March 1, 2005. This is not the first time we have had to move, and it will probably not be the last. Current FCC licensing activity is poised to pack the cracks and crevices of Olympia's dial with translator signals, rebroadcasting other radio stations, often from out of town.
Our brief sojourn on 101.9, which began in October 2004, is ending because our first adjacent neighbor on 102.1, KSWW in Gray's Harbor, has complained that we are interfering with their signal. Once again, FRO is not interfering with this station within its protected contour, the reach of its signal guaranteed by its license. We are broadcasting with low power well outside of KSWW's target listening area. However, had this station not received satisfaction from FRO, its management would have resorted to filing a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, increasing the (everpresent) risk of FRO being forced of the air by law enforcement action. KSWW (Sunny 102) did not desire FRO's demise, only that we vacate its first adjacent. KSWW management brought its complaint directly to FRO, a show of good faith we have decided to return in kind by complying its wish.
There are no frequencies on the dial in Olympia on which FRO can broadcast without the risk of stepping on someone's toes. The remaining low-power translator channels are soon to be populated by the likes of the University of Washington, the Northwest Rock and Roll Preservation Society, and Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls. As an unlicensed micro-power radio station, FRO is being forced into a corner, and ultimately there will be nowhere left for us to go on the dial. We are not making our stand on 101.9, but there will come a time, sooner or later, when we will be forced to make a stand, to defend our right to broadcast under the first amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. When that time comes FRO will need all the community support we can get. We must be building that support now.
Free Radio Olympia is an unlicensed, direct action micropower radio station currently (until March 1) broadcasting at 100 watts on 101.9 FM in Olympia, Washington. We have been on the air since March 2001. FRO is committed to providing a service to the community by creating access to the airwaves and bringing unregulated, uncensored media to our listeners. In order for radio to be used effectively as a tool by the community, we feel that community participation is necessary. Free microradio offers the community a means for outreach to communicate, organize, and unify.
To join our network of support, to become a dj on Free Radio Olympia, or for more information please email You may call the FRO studio at (360)705-9780. Visit FRO on the web at, and send us snail mail at FRO, P.O. Box 6024, Olympia, WA 98507. FRO receives donations of media, money, and equipment at Last Word Books, 211 4th Ave., Olympia. To receive announcements and alerts concerning FRO and to join our list of supporters, please subscribe to our email newsletter by sending an email to FRO appreciates the support we receive from our community in Olympia and listeners worldwide.