What's Really Happening in Iraq?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Carmen LaSalle, San Francisco Liberation Radi

An 11 member delegation traveled to the Jordan/Iraq border on Dec. 26, 2004. Medea Benjamin, of Code Pink and several other members of the group told their stories on Feb. 8, 2005 at New College in SF. A 2 part audio series:
pt.1: 43:10 pt. 2: 41:25

On Dec. 27, 2004, a delegation departed from the US bound for the Iraq/Jordan border carrying $650,000 of humanitarian aid for the people of Falujah. The 11 member delegation consisted of several parents who had lost loved ones in Operation Freedom and the World Trade Center Bombing:
Amalia Avila, Nadia McCaffrey, Fernando and Rosa Suarez del Solar and Adele Welty. Accompanying them were 4 members of Code Pink, the women’s peace movement: Medea Benjamin, Aryeh Shell, Jodie Evans, and Gael Murphy. Henry Khalil, the Organizing Coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, Vivian Feyer, a psychologist and educator specializing in bereavement, and Dr. Jeffrey Ritterman, Chief of Cardiology of Kaiser Richmond, made up the rest of the group. On Feb. 8, 2005, the delegation presented the story of the week-long journey at New College in San Francisco, CA. They talked about what they delivered, where they got it, how they delivered it, the group of Iraqi Drs. they delivered it to, and how they and the Iraqis felt about the war. Sharing their grief forged personal connections and this heart-to-heart communication made Families for Peace more than just another group delivering yet another batch of American aid to a country war-torn by American bombs.
