Late Night With Mr. X & Just Julie are PodCasting from the attic PodCast studio once again...
Late Night with Mr. X and Just Julie has been posted for February 22, 2005! On this episode, hear the wonderful Macintosh-related author Shelly Brisbin call into the show via Skype (our first Skype call!) and tell all about her books and her new PodCast. Also on the show: The attractive female State Trooper that was tailing Mr. X today...This show's "Sleeper PodCast of the Summer" which is "He Said-She Said" with Brian and Jen Pipa...and hear the call that Just Julie didn't think I would make via Skype to the author of a photographic coffee table book about--the male genitalia--who is looking for subjects in San Francisco (Yes, it's a real book!) All that and much more on today's crazy PodCast!