Free Radio Santa Cruz:Ron Anicich pt2

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 March, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Interview w/Ron Anicich of Bad Cop No Donut at CKLN 88.1FM in Toronto Part 2 a week after the Police Chief Julian Fantino charging Bad Cop, No Donut! promotes hatred of the police

Part two a week later Interview w/Ron Anicich of Bad Cop No Donut at CKLN 88.1FM in Toronto Part 2 a week after the Police Chief Julian Fantino charging Bad Cop, No Donut! promotes hatred of the police and calling for the Sacking of BCND Ron and I talk about the media attack including audio from am 640 by John Oakly Show audio ambushed with xcop Craig Bromell and the Support of indymedia and people around the world.