War of the trees-highway scandal erupts and Mountain Justice Summer

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 March, 2005
WSQT Radio 87.9 in DC

The proposed Inter-County Connector highway in MD has run into trouble. Gould, the developer behind the notorious Konterra project dependant on the road, has been found to have given more than ten times the allowable donations to pro-ICC politicians

Gould broke up the donations by funneling them through 14 separate entities, but they added up to over $100,000! MD campaign finance law limits total donations to $10K per election cycle. The money went to Governor Erlich(R), Lt Governor Steele, and Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan(similar to Mayor Williams in DC), among others.

The "Konterrorists" are trying to bribe their way to building this incredibly destructive road! Well, they've been caught, and in addition the EPA has now weighed in with a letter criticizing the highway even BEFORE the draft environmental impact statement has been submitted!

After covering this issue, we then introduce the issue of mountaintop removal mining, comparing the poverty in appalacia to that in Anacostia(DC's poorest ward), and comparing coal baron behavior to that of those who wanted to build a prison in Anacostia. After our segment, we play the Katua EF's callout posted earlier to this newswire. As "Earth Matters Radio." The EF callout is avaliable from:


Our segment on the highway and intro to the Earth Matter piece is below.