Interview with B Will from Goiania Brasil. Update on what has happened since gathering march on Monday of evicted Sonho Real people.
14 mins.
Brad Will tells how the march and re-gathering of Sonho Real homeless on Monday went; how more eyewitness accounts of murder and violence have come forward; the role of human rights observers from NY now; the recent condemnation of Brasil military police human rights abuses by the U.S. State Dept.; and the days events planned for Friday in Goiania. Finally, global solidarity actions on that day and the hope that people will register their dissent by either faxing/contacting the Brasilian consulate and/or joining in protests.
Further info, audio and links here ->
[Note: bad luck with telephony-telephone connection effected sound quality. Did best in time available to make edit legible - AF]
AF, August Sound Coalition