Religious Radicals Support Taco Bell Boycott

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 March, 2005

numerous religious organizations are supporting the coalition of immokalee workers in their struggle against taco bell and yum! brands.

numerous religious organizations are supporting the coalition of immokalee workers in their struggle against taco bell and yum! brands.

i had a chance to interview a few of the members of those organizations.

i am usually very skeptical of religion, however listening to the radical notions these folks were conveying changed my mind a little bit. pastor daron, in particular, had some amazing thoughts about social justice and spirituality being necessarily linked. he stated that spirituality without social justice is reenforcing the capitalist mindset and reducing religion to a commodity.

also, the last audio clip is from my attempts to interview taco bell employees with the question, 'do you feel like these protestors are protesting you personally?' however, none would speak with me and only refered me to the corporate public relations office.