Alberta IMC Contact Alberta IMC Contact
Alberta is fuckkkkkkkkk by my stuff
Check the link
Next: Saturday, March 26, 2005.
Every month on the fourth Saturday. (Except also on the second Saturday)
Goes from Saturday, January 25, 2003
Running from 2:00PM
Edmonton collective of the Alberta Independent Media Centre (AIMC).
Education North, Cafeteria (right where Education North adjoins Education South on the ground floor)
University of Alberta
114 Street at 89 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2M7
Wheelchair accessible.
No smoking.
No pets or animals permitted.
Open to all ages.
Waldemar Belczowski
Phone: (780) 447-5952
Email: wallybel (at} shaw [dot) ca
Alberta Independent Media Centre: AIMC.
Alberta IMC Contact
Email: alberta {at} indymedia [dot] org
1 related listings found.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Next: Saturday, March 12, 2005
From Saturday, January 11, 2003
Every month on the second Saturday. (Except also on the fourth Saturday)
Edmonton Indymedia monthly meetings
Edmonton collective of the Alberta Independent Media Centre (AIMC).
University of Alberta. (114 Street at 89 Avenue). Edmonton, ab, ca.
No pets or animals permitted. Free. Open to all ages.