Hey guys. I have not had the time until this morning to put any time in on the intro piece. I am having some problems, mainly,my computer sucks and is very slow...the idea was for me to scavange all of the audio out there and cobble together an intro piece but it takes like an hour and a half for me to download mp3s on my computer. So, I am heading to my friends house who has dsl tonight. I wont really be able to put anything together until tomorrow (Sunday). Is this to late?
Also, I am not exactly sure what I should be doing. Are we looking for an ntro piece to our report, outlining what the half hour will contain, or details of wht the FTAA is. If it is the latter. I was thinking about writng about it within the context of the teach ins that have been happening...ya know like:" On April 20 leaders from all over the world are meeting in Quebec....blah, blah..to craft the FTAA which they thnk will save the world. FOr months, academics, activists etc have been holding teach ins around the continetn to educate the public about what they feel the FTAA will really do(insert various salient clips from the teach ins, hitting on a few major criticisms of the ftaa)?
How does that sound(the idea not the language)?
If we can't wait until tomorrow, someone else can tke it on. If we an wait, I will have the time and resources to get something together by early tomorrow evening.
Also, I have put together that list of all of the stations. Should I send ou tthe announcement?