Late Night With Mr. X (3-9-05)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 March, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Late Night with Mr. X and Just Julie has been posted for March 9, 2005

Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie for March 9, 2005 has been posted! An incredible wedding anniversary show with Tim from for his first "Macintosh Minute," Julie's "Adam Curry Chicken" recipe, Skype calls with Brian and Jen from "She-Said, He-Said," and Len & Nora from "Jawboneradio," Dr. Soos from his fantasy football Podcast telling the story of how Mr. X and Just Julie met, and a Skype call to Key West's very own "Fat Tuesday" bar....a great show for you to consume!

1-206-666-LATE (5283)