Your weekly wrap-up of North American police brutality, misconduct and corruption.
This week:
Florida chief resigns over brutality case
Pennsylvania cop forces three women to have sex with him
Missouri cop charged with molesting 9 year-old boy
Florida cop arrested in sex club raid
Massachusetts cop charged in domestic assault
Wisconsin officers charged in October beating
Virginia cops arrest 8 year-old
Another Tennessee cop changes plea to guilty
Review of the week's stun gun news
and much more!
Also includes an update on the arrest and imminent deportation of CKLN's Wendy Maxwell including excerpts from a recent interview and details on how you can help.
Federal Immigration Minister Joe Volpe has the right to grant Wendy Maxwell a temporary resident's permit so that she can remain in Canada until her appeal can be heard. Please tell the minister to do so. He can be reached by phone at 416-781-5583 and 613-992-6361. Volpe can be faxed at 416-781-5586 and 613-992-9791. You can email him at The Immigration Enforcement officer who has the responsibility for Wendy Maxwell's case has the discretion to defer the impending deportation. Please ask him to do so. His name is Martin Kosichek and he can be reached by phone at 905-405-3630 and by fax at 905-405-3529. Please act quickly to help stop this deportation. For more information you can visit for updates.
Produced at CKLN 88.1 FM in Toronto.