Chicago Indymedia is once again organizing a live radio web broadcast to cover the events of March 19, 2005 in Chicago and around the world.
On March 20, 2004, Chicago Indymedia organized a live radio web broadcast of coverage of events from Chicago and around the world. You can hear our 2004 coverage -- all ten-plus hours of it, and a two-hour Best Of compilation -- here (scroll down):
Chicago Indymedia is once again organizing a live radio web broadcast covering the events of March 19, 2005 in Chicago and around the world.
As with last year's broadcast, the 2005 webcast is scheduled to begin at 8am Chicago time, and will last until at least 6pm Chicago time (but it may run later, or even earlier, as circumstances warrant).
If you plan to participate in any of the March 19 activities, either in Chicago or elsewhere, here's your chance to use your cellphone or any telephone and become an on-the-ground live Indymedia correspondent.
The phone number to call will be Chicago Indymedia's office phone: 773-384-8544. (If the line is busy or unavailable, please call back later.)
We intend to relay phone calls to air on the webcast throughout the day, and we invite you to call in with any reports, dispatches, alerts, and breaking news to share.
The link to hear the broadcast will be made available on the main Chicago Indymedia webpage on the morning of March 19.
Broadcasters: You are welcome to rebroadcast the webstream on your own radio station or streaming server if you are interested in doing so. No permission necessary; just go ahead and rebroadcast. (But it you opt to rebroadcast, please let us know that you are; we'll give you a shout-out.)
If you have any questions about the webcast, please email the Chicago IMC radio team's mailing list: