George Cadman of Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 fm interviews Joe Carr, an eyewitness to Rachel Corrie's killing. He speaks about what he saw on the day that Rachel was run over by an Israeli bulldozer. She was killed on March 16, 2003 by Israeli soldiers who ran her over with a D-9 Caterpillar bulldozer while she non-violently attempted to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian doctor and his family's home. There has never been an independent investigation into her killing. He also talks about what kind of person Rachel was, what motivated her to do the work she had done and how he and others are continuing her work. He also answers criticisms of the International Solidarity Movement, the movement that both he and Rachel were a part of.
Joe Carr is an anti-oppression activist from Kansas City, Missouri and worked with the ISM in Rafah for four months in 2003 and is now an activist with Christian Peacemaker teams. He has also worked with Food Not Bombs, Earth First and Arts in Action. He is also a performance artist, musician and poet and has written a song about Rachel called A Dove's Last Song.
George Cadman of Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 fm interviews Joe Carr, an eyewitness to Rachel Corrie's killing. He speaks about what he saw on the day that Rachel was run over by an Israeli bulldozer. He also talks about what kind of person Rachel was, what motivated her to do the work she had done and how he and others are continuing her work. He also answers criticisms of the International Solidarity Movement, the movement that both he and Rachel were a part of.
Joe Carr is an anti-oppression activist from Kansas City, Missouri and worked with the ISM in Rafah for four months in 2003 and is now an activist with Christian Peacemaker teams. He has also worked with Food Not Bombs, Earth First and Arts in Action. He is also a performance artist, musician and poet and has written a song about Rachel called A Dove's Last Song.
Rachel Corrie was killed on March 16, 2003 by Israeli soldiers who ran her over with a D-9 Caterpillar bulldozer while she non-violently attempted to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian doctor and his family's home. There has never been an independent investigation into her killing.