Shell Versus Irish Farmers

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 March, 2005

Over the past few weeks there have been attempts by Shell to enter the lands of residents in Rossport, north west Mayo, Ireland, to mark out an upstream pipeline route for the Corrib Gas project.
This 15 minute long report is from Mid West Radio, the local station, and was made by Liamy McNally on March 1st while Shell attempted entry onto the land, and the local farmers refused access, on the grounds that proper consents are not in order.
Copyright: Mid West Radio

Over the past few weeks there have been attempts by Shell personnel to enter the lands of residents in Rossport, north west Mayo, Ireland, to mark out an upstream pipeline route for the Corrib Gas project.

Seven landowners – who own 50% of the land the pipeline is to go on - are refusing Shell access. Today some of them will be facing High Court injunction proceedings aimed at preventing them from going to those parts of their land which Shell wish to use.

The injunction process began on March 1st, the last occasion Shell tried to get on the lands, Liamy McNally of local radio station ‘Mid-West Radio’ was there and the following 15 minute extract is from his recording of the several hours long stand off.

Paul Gallagher and Geoff Phillips from Shell will be heard along with Rossport residents Willie Corduff, Monica Muller, Vincent McGrath and others. The report starts with Shell employee, Jim Nevin appealing to landowner Philip McGrath.

The report is copyrighted to Mid West Radio, thanks to Liamy for giving it to us, and to the lads in UL who changed the format.