m19 interviews radioActive sanDiego part 2

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 March, 2005

On March 19, the second anniversary of the u.s.'s most recent attack on Iraq, commUnities from around the world were marching and rallying against war. radioActive sanDiego conducted live interviews with participants in a sampling of these actions, including Prague, Chicago, Fort Bragg, Minot, North Dakota, Memphis, San Diego, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Fairbanks, Boise and Salt Lake City. Part 2.

Interviews conducted by Queen B, Aymara, Al, Jake, Mr. Mike, Weltgeist and Queer-J Brad
Part 2 Audio Duration 1 hr 46 min
0:00 Dylan -- Toronto, Ottawa, Canada, Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
8:13 Al -- San Diego, California on post-protest depression
10:45 Laslow -- San Diego, California, Resistencia Estudiantil March
12:17 Tiffany -- San Diego, California, CODEPINK March Oceanside to Balboa Park
16:45 Anonymous -- Missoula, Montana, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center
22:25 Sayrah -- Lansing, Michigan, Rally and Critical Mass Ride in the Snow
26:04 David -- Houston, Texas, Progressive Workers Organizing Committee
32:18 Mark -- Colorado Springs, Colorado, Springs Action Alliance
43:18 Aymara -- San Diego, California, Balboa Park Rally
1:01:04 JDJ -- San Diego, California, Balboa Park Rally
1:03:01 Art -- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Peace Action Wisconsin
1:11:27 Anna -- Fairbanks, Alaska, Fairbanks Coalition for Peace and Justice
1:17:58 James -- Fort Bragg, North Carolina/Atlanta, Georgia, Military Families Speak Out
1:32:54 Tiffany -- CODEPINK March Oceanside to Balboa Park (Friday, March 18)
1:42:36 Meg/Mariel -- Hartford, Connecticut, Connecticut United for Peace / Taos, New Mexico, Action Coalition of Taos [reading of e-mail reports]